Meet Tony Lahlouh
Let’s take a moment to meet the family behind Lahlouh, Inc! As business owners, we’ve always celebrated the fact that we are a family-owned and operated business and pride ourselves on maintaining a family feel with our employees and clients.
We decided to create a series that showcases the individual personalities behind the name. Each of them have taken a different path into the print industry and have grown into their professional careers over time with the help and mentorship of the Lahlouh team. Next up is Tony Lahlouh, our newly appointed president and the oldest member of the 3rd generation. Read on to learn a little more about Tony and his path to print!

Tony Lahlouh
How long have you been at Lahlouh?
Since January 8, 2007
What role do you currently hold? What roles have you held in the past?
Vice President of Operations. I’ve held the positions of VP of Sales, junior pressman, prepress technician, and summer intern.
Best advice you’ve received since you started your professional career?
Focus on what you love and perfect it. Accounting is the heart of any business.
Favorite memory from working at Lahlouh?
Running our old 5 – color litho press. It was exhilarating to run it on my own, changing the inks, cleaning the plates and blankets, etc.
What advice would you give to someone wanting to get into the print industry?
I would ask them to visit a few different manufacturing facilities before they fully commit. A plant is something you absolutely are enamored with or the opposite. This industry is too hard to work in if you don’t love it. This is a quick way to know if it’s as exciting as you anticipate.
What do you think the future of the print industry looks like?
The future is uncertain, but it does still include print. Identifying which mix of multimedia can be used to message your audience is the biggest challenge. Whether it’s a mix of product packaging, digital marketing, and radio - or any other mix, it depends on the company and its goals and more importantly the relationship the company has with its suppliers to partner in finding the right mix.
How do you think that will impact Lahlouh’s future growth?
Continuing to play the strategic partner we’ve always been to our clients will drive what this looks like. Having the tools required to execute projects is important and gets us an invitation to the table. How we leverage those offerings as tools during our creative process with our clients is what will set us apart.
If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?
Just do. Whatever it is, start somewhere. It’s easy to get lost in where you are in life and what you want. But often, we try to plan too much that keeps us from actually doing the work because we want the plan to be perfect. Focus on doing. Once you begin the doing, focus, work hard, and the rest will fall into place.
Does Tony’s story resonate with you?
Reach out and connect with him on LinkedIn here!