Meet Christine Lahlouh
Let’s take a moment to meet the family behind Lahlouh, Inc! As business owners, we’ve always celebrated the fact that we are a family-owned and operated business and pride ourselves on maintaining a family feel with our employees and clients.
We decided to create a series that showcases the individual personalities behind the name. Each of them have taken a different path into the print industry and have grown into their professional careers over time with the help and mentorship of the Lahlouh team. Next up is Christine Lahlouh, daughter of our current CEO, John Lahlouh. Read on to learn a little more about Christine and her path to print!

Christine Lahlouh
How long have you been at Lahlouh?
I’ve been with Lahlouh off and on for 10 years.
Fun fact:
I studied photography in college. Although I didn’t become a photographer after graduation, the skills I learned have been very beneficial in the world of print and design. From paperweights to understanding color, my background in the arts has played a big part in the way I do my job.
What role do you currently hold? What roles have you held in the past?
Currently, I don’t hold a formal position in the day-to-day. I help with larger-picture projects like future locations and family investments. Previously, I worked in our branded merchandising division as a sales rep and project manager and I spent some time in fulfillment as well early in my career.
Best advice you’ve received since you started your professional career?
If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.
Favorite memory from working at Lahlouh?
In a brief stint working in our fulfillment department, I was a part of a large prank war that resulted in my mocha having about a handful of salt. The whole team was laughing while I plotted my revenge.
What advice would you give to someone wanting to get into the print industry?
You have to love it and become addicted to solving problems. Every project is a riddle and you have to enjoy finding creative solutions. At first, it can seem like a constant struggle but it really pushes you to think out of the box. Be open to any and all solutions.
What do you think the future of the print industry looks like? How do you think that will impact Lahlouh’s future growth?
I think it’s going to be a more service-oriented business that’s driven by data. Lahlouh will be a more systems-oriented company.
If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?
Love what you do. Love who you do it with and make sure you really believe in what you’re pouring your heart into. People can feel it if you mean it.
Does Christine’s story resonate with you?
Reach out and connect with her on LinkedIn here!